





若想贏得購買專屬 Mickey Mouse X Keith Haring Maxi Swatch 的機會,你只要在下方註冊和祈求好運!我們將透過電子郵件公佈幸運獲獎人。



* 必填欄位

 TWD 15 750.00
Haring Show



1958 年出生於賓州的Keith Haring,藝術是他的玩伴,對繪畫情有獨鍾。他在 1978 年移居紐約,自此進入藝術世界,創意和天賦伴隨著他迅速走出經典路線。

從白色粉筆的地鐵塗鴉到公共壁畫、夜總會、畫廊及博物館,Haring 的普普風藝術轉眼間席捲全世界,作品不僅公諸於世,更喚起民眾心中對兒童文化專案與愛滋病支援方案的高度重視。








  1. These terms and conditions (“the Rules”) govern the „Disney Mickey Mouse for Keith Haring Maxi Swatch” draw (hereinafter the Draw ) administered by SWATCH LTD., domiciled at Nicolas G. Hayek Strasse 1, 2502 Biel/Bienne, Switzerland, („SWATCH”, “us”, “our”, “we”).
  2. Swatch will inform about the Draw via Corporate Newsletters and so called boosted Social Media Posts. Both communication tools will guide the applicant to the landing page, where they can register. By participating in this Draw you agree to these rules and to abide by it. You confirm to have read and understood our Privacy Notice. Our Privacy Notice is available on
  3. Entry is open to anyone, aged 18 or over at the start of the Draw, with the exception of our employees (and their families) as well as of our affiliates, of agents and of anyone else involved in the Draw. Only one entry is allowed per person. Any additional entry by the same participant will be automatically excluded from the Draw.
  4. Automated entries are not allowed.
  5. To participate:
    5.1.  Phase 1: You need to register on our landing page (link to be inserted) and fill out the template form to show your interest in the purchase of a Disney x Keith Haring Maxi Swatch. The landing page is open for entries from 15th January at 10.00 am  CET time till 18th January at  8.00 pm CET time.
    5.2.  Phase 2: Among all registered applications Swatch Ltd. will randomly and globally draw 203 (two hundred and three) entries on 19th  January 2021.The Draw will be carried out among entries of residents in each country, whose owners will then be informed by E-Mail that they are entitled to purchase one Disney x Keith Haring Maxi Swatch via the official web site
    5.3.  Phase 3: Swatch Ltd. is entitled to verify if the entered details for the purchase are identitcal with the original registered data on the landing page. Only if this is the case, the right of purchase will be confirmed by Swatch Ltd.
    5.4.  Phase 4: the right of purchase must be exercised by the randomly selected applicants within 24 (twenty-four) hours from the notification. Should any applicant not to exercise the right of purchase within 24 (twenty-four) hours from the notification, then Swatch Ltd is entitled to randomly select another applicant, who will be granted the right of purchase within 24 (twenty-four) hours from the notification.
  6. Even if you follow these rules and instructions correctly, the possibility of events or conditions beyond our control means that we cannot guarantee your successful participation.
  7. The provision of any invalid, incorrect, or misleading personal information may, in our sole discretion, lead to disqualification from the Draw and/or receipt of a prize.
  8. Incomplete, late, or otherwise faulty entries will not be accepted.
  9. Each of the 203 (two hundred and three) owners of the randomly selected entries only is eligible to purchase one Disney x Keith Haring Maxi Swatch at a price of CHF 500 (five hundred Swiss francs).
  10. We reserve the right to select an alternative applicant if we reasonably believe that an applicant has breached the rules.
  11. To purchase your Disney x Keith Haring Maxi Swatch, you may be required to provide your personal details (first and last name, home address, etc.) and to prove your identity by submitting relevant documents (e.g. ID, driving license). In the event of a dispute as to a person’s identity, the entry will be deemed to have been made by the holder of the email address associated with it.
  12. The right to purchase this Disney x Keith Haring Maxi Swatch  may not be transferred to anyone else. No cash alternatives or alternative prizes are available. We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to substitute the prize with an item of equal value.
  13. Any taxes that may be levied on the applicant shall be exclusively borne by the applicant.
  14. Any decisions by us regarding the Draw are final and no correspondence will be entered into.
  15. Each of the 203 (two hundred and three) owners of the randomly selected entries will be notified via email within 2 days after the draw.
  16. If an applicant cannot be reached or does not reply within one week of the notification, the right of purchase will be assumed to have been forfeited and will be awarded to another applicant that will also be randomly selected.
  17. We and our affiliates disclaim all liability, to the greatest extent legally permissible, for any damage suffered by anyone as a result of or in connection with the Draw.
  18. We reserve the right to amend the rules and to modify, suspend, or terminate the Draw  in case it becomes infected by a computer virus or is otherwise technically impaired.
  19. The Draw is operated internationally, except in Algeria, Egypt, Ivory Coast, Libya, Nigeria, Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, Panama, Paraguay, Puerto Rico, Uruguay, Cambodia, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Mongolia, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Malta, Romania, Serbia, Ukraina and Uzbekistan. The Draw is void where legally not permitted.
  20. The Draw is in no way sponsored, endorsed, administered by or associated with Facebook / Instagram or any other third-party platform. All information disclosed is provided to us and not to Facebook / Instagram. You hereby release Facebook / Instagram, to the greatest extent legally permissible, from any liability in connection with the Draw. Any questions, comments or complaints regarding the Draw should be directed to us and not to any third-party platforms.
  21. The Rules are governed by and will be construed in accordance with the laws of Switzerland, without regard to any conflict-of-law rules. In the event of any disputes, you submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Biel/Bienne, Switzerland.
  22. Force majeure is any radical, external event that goes beyond the will and control of either parties and without any fault of either party, by way of example but not by way of exhaustive: natural disasters, outbreaks of war, riots, revolts, insurrections, strikes as well epidemics and pandemics.  Swatch reserves the right to cancel or delay the Draw as well as the prize award due to Force majeure, following which Swatch is hold safe from all and any liability for nonperformance.

If you have any questions about this Draw or if you object to having your personal data used as specified in the Rules, please contact us via



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